Interviews under caution, sometimes called “PACE interviews” are part of the investigative procedure employed by enforcing authorities such as the Council or Police. There are codes of practice on how an interview under caution are conducted and you have the right to be accompanied by a legal representative such as a solicitor.
For those interviews undertaken solely by the Council, you should note that you will not be under arrest and that you are free to leave at any time. Whilst you do not have to answer questions in an interview, failing to do so can sometimes be a bad strategy because if you do not disclose something, you may not be able to use it later on if a prosecution is brought. You must be extremely careful in what you do say, bearing in mind that the conversation will be recorded and may be used in court.
Our solicitors have significant experience in attending interviews with clients and in some cases have achieved the result at the end of the interview that no further investigation is carried out.