One of the documents that must apply an application for a new premises licence is a detailed scale plan. There is a particular specification that must be met with these and the following features must be shown :
(a) the extent of the boundary of the building,
(b) the location of points of access to and egress ;
(c) the location of escape routes from the premises;
(d) the area within the premises used for each licensable activity;
(e) where there is supply of alcohol, the location or locations on the premises which is or are used for consumption of alcohol;
(f) fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impact on the ability of individuals to use exits or escape routes;
(g) in a case where there is a stage or raised area, the location and height of each stage or area relative to the floor;
(h) the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts;
(i) the location of any public conveniences;
(j) the location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment (eg, heat/smoke detectors, call points, alarm bells, emergency lighting, exit signs, fire extinguishers – including the type, fire blankets, fire doors, first aid kits); and
(k) the location of a kitchen, if any.
Whilst you are not required to have a professionally-drawn licensing plan, it is usually better to do so to reduce the risk of it being rejected because one of the various requirements have not been met. We have teamed up with UK Surveyors Ltd who are able to prepare a plan for you either based on your own survey or by visiting and drawing a plan from scratch.
UK Surveyors can be contacted on 01543 490540 and by mentioning us, you will qualify for a discount on their normal price.