
The Licensing Act requires that the sale of alcoholperformance of playsfilm showslive or recorded musicindoor sports, boxing and wrestling, and the sale of hot food or drink after 11pm must be authorised by the local council.

Premises licences are generally for permanent premises, for larger events or other situations where a Temporary Event Notice cannot be given.

In order to apply for a premises licence, there are a number of steps that need to be taken, including the preparation of a detailed plan that must meet a precise specification and the preparation of an operating schedule to show how nuisance, crime and disorder will be prevented, children will be protected from harm and how the safety of the public will be achieved.  If all of the steps are not taken, then the Council will almost certainly reject the application.

Writing an operating schedule needs care and attention because whatever you put down can become a condition if a licence is granted.  Sometimes this can result in a restriction that you do not intend and make the licence so restrictive that it does not allow you to trade in the way that you want.  Some schedules can become very complex and our team of lawyers have had a great deal of experience in preparing them for a wide variety of premises from small takeaways to large outdoor concerts.

Our services include drafting the entire application based on your requirements, liaising with the responsible authorities, preparing and publishing press and site notices as well as representing applicants on any hearing.

Please note : In order to sell alcohol under a premises licence, it is also necessary to obtain at least one Personal Licence and to designate someone with a Personal licence as the “Premises Supervisor” who should have day-to-day management responsibilities.
As well as dealing with individual premises, our solicitors have also built up a considerable skill in managing entire licensed estates.  Because we have built a purpose-designed database, we are able to quickly and efficiently apply for new licences and variations.  Designated Premises Supervisor applications can be submitted on the same day that we receive information about the new licensee and we are able to provide you with up-to-date information about the licence status of all premises within your estate.  Our one-stop approach for licensing leaves you free to concentrate on other matters.

We can manage all of the following for you ;

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